How To create free website google
My important blog will be coming,"free blog hosting sites" from this blog, you earn a lot of money from Google. first, you choose topic according to your skill. for example, you have more knowledge in food making, you shall choose this topic and according to the topic you must be chosen website name.
first, you sign in with your Gmail a/c and then go on blogger.
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now you will click on creat blog and then choose the title and then choose website name. now you shall click on create a blog and then choose the title name and you shall type the website name. now you will be choosing the theme for the site. click on theme option and then click on Backup/Restore, from my view, you shall download the theme in which SEO and Adsense ready.
download theme here The Funk Blogger Template. click on upload
now you go in layout option and then first you choose favicon logo, the favicon logo size is 97 * 84. after favicon now you must choose logo of your website. your website looks as a professional.
and then you goes to page option, and create pages "Home, Contact Us, About Us, Privacy Policy And Disclaimer. these pages are very important for Adsense approval. for Privacy Policy type in google "free generate privacy policy" and goen on privacy policy website. generate your privacy policy according to your website, when is ready copy your privacy policy and paste in you privacy policy page. same as do in Disclaimer page. free blog hosting sites
again you shall go to layout option and click on the menu option or goen in theme option and click on Edit HTML
all of the must be completed else your website show 404 error.
now you goen in setting option and click on basic after this click on edit in the description column and describe about your website.
after this goes to search preferences and click on edit, tag on yes in Custom robots.txt type these codes
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"How .txt"
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Disallow: /search?q=*
Disallow: /*?updated-max=*
Sitemap:https://your website name/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated
and then you go in Custom robots header tags, this setting is very important for google index so carefully doing it,
Custom Robots Header Tags "meta tags seo"
and then you go in meta tag option click on edit in description type 150 words about your website. both description must be same. all the settings are completed, now you write blogs. for your website.
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